I've been listening to a massive amount of black metal lately. It is extremely intriguing, with it's lyrics and Low Fi dedication. Lo Fi is an amazing aspect to have in any type of music. It immediately generates a DIY ethic and to me keeps it true in a way.
So below I've given some of my favorites.

Havohej-Dethrone the Son of God
This is considered a cult classic. It was put out by one guy in 1993 out of Conneticut. The bands name is jehovah backwards if you didn't notice. Expect songs about vomiting on god's dead child. This shit is klvt as fuck. Get down to it.

Watain-Casus Luciferi
I'm hoping to see these guys in may at Deathfest in baltimore. They are from Sweden and the album is there second Lp put out in 2003.

Darkthrone-Transilvanian Hunger
Darkthrone is getting a bit more on the crust side of things now. This is one of there first albums from '94. Darkthrone is two guys from Norway keeping black Metal true.

Hell Militia-Canonization Of The Foul Spirit
Hell Militia is a Black Metal band that formed in 2001 out of France. This is their first LP and is extremely good for a modern Black Metal band.
Black Funeral-Waters of Weeping
This is an extremely dark band out of Indiana. They are on the more ambient side of things with lots of great distortion. This is the black Funeral's latest Lp from 2007 and my favorite form all that I've heard. Expect an amazing atmosphere with the music.