Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Comadre/Trainwreck-Split Lp
This may be my favorite record I heard in 2009. Comadre is amazing SCRAM/Post Hardcore with high vocals and great melodic parts from San Francisco. Hailing from Germany, Trainwreck is Heavier and much darker.Every song on this Lp is good but when I make this statement I am mainly thinking about Comadre's Contribution. The thing I love most about Comadre is the great production and song structure. This isn't just a thrown together song this is a well thought out piece of hardcore music(Not to say there's anything wrong with just throwing it together).

Animosity-Shut it Down

Animosity-Shut It Down

This album makes me want to move anytime I hear it. This is Animosity's debut album. It was pressed when some of them were only sixteen. Too me this album compares to nothing else by them. It is "Deathcore" but I'd prefer to say grindcore with high vocals and sick ass breakdowns constantly. I saw this band open for Terror in 2006 the band had blown bowls with their name in them. This band is from San Francisco and broke up this year after three other full lengths, none reaching anywhere close to the amazement of this one. Even if your not a big fan of grind, I'd give this a listen its about as good as early magrudergrind which is about the best grind out there.


Crow-Bloody Tear

Crow-Bloody Tear Lp
This record was released by Prank in 2006. The opening track may be my favorite, opening with and epic reign of terror. Although this band has been around since the late 80's they have evolved into something better formed and more catastrophic. This Lp blew me away when I first got it.You can definitely see the metal influence in this then in their earlier releases. One of the members of the band in the Lp's poster is wearing a Darkthrone shirt which made me smile since you can see the influence if you listen (Ihave been listening to a lot of Darkthrone in the past month). This album gets extremely epic at parts such as in "And The Death is singing the Wind". If you decide to get the Lp the lyrics are printed in both English and Japanese. So expect an Epic Japanese crust band with strong metal influence. This album is worth the listen.
